A friend of mine is pregant and will be giving birth any day now. The baby has turned and dropped, so we are all excited about the new addition to our family. The baby will be a part of our family because we are officially the god-parents for the very first time!
My friend is terrified of having the baby. The biggest problem is whether to find a job after having a baby or just become a stay at home mother. The cost of daycare makes the second choice very tempting. However, she is afraid that she will not be able to contribute to the bills. It's a double edged sword.
I haven't told a lot of people I know about my Google Adsense sites, mostly because I don't want them to click on the ads. It can be interpreted as a sign to Google that there is fraud. Besides, I never want to count on my friends clicking on the ads. It's not a sustainable way to "do business", and it skews data.
With the new baby coming and her dilemma, I decided to tell her about what I do online.
- I showed her my Full Change Jar website, and used it to explain to her the details of content based advertising, what keywords are, what search engine optimization is, and how to set up a free account at Google Adsense and Blogger.
- I showed her my Buy A Groupie website, and told her about ways of starting a small on-line business. Then, this led to talking about doing businesses with dropshippers to sell products rather than services. I explained to her that if she is able to find a good dropshipper, she doesn't need to keep an inventory and just needs to sell the products through websites.
- I showed her my other 15 blogs and websites, and explained that as long as she takes 10 minutes a day to write original articles for each site, after awhile, she can pull in an okay income. Although this income may not be able to pay the rent, but it might someday.
As I was talking non-stop and her looking at me with intensity, I realized that I was just going way too quickly. One thought led to another, and I was trying to explain what I have learnt in the last 3 months to someone who is just exposed to it for the first time. I get excited about what I do, and I really believe that anyone can do it as long as they do the work.
So, I guess I was very motivating, and she seemed very interested. Then, out of nowhere, she asked me "So, how do I cut and paste something in a Word document".....
Then I said " Okay, let's start with the basics...this is a website, and this is the URL, and this is a Microsoft Word document that you can use to create things like letters. In order to cut and paste, you highlight the text, pressed Ctrl C....all at the same time....then, click...."
Anyhow, maybe I should have asked about her computer literacy level before I dived into the mysterious world of Google Adsense.