How rich are you compared to the rest of the world?
Global Rich Tool has a neat tool that calculates how rich you are compared to the rest of the world. Enter your annual income in Canadian, Euro, US, Pound or Yen, the calculator then gives you the result.

There will be an arrow that shows you where you fit on this scale.
After entering my income, it says...
"You are in the top 0.78% richest people in the world.
There are
5,953,193,715 people poorer than you.
How do you feel about that? A bit
richer we hope. Please consider donating just a small amount to help some of the
poorest people in the world. Many of their lives could be improved dramatically
or even saved if you donate just one hour's salary (approx $63.88)"
This tool truly makes me appreciate what I have and reminds me that there are so many other people in the world whose first worry is not retirement or money, rather it's having food, shelter, and security.