I believe in the motto of "work hard, play hard". So, in June, I will be going to Belize for two weeks for a jungle expedition/diving trip. Finally, I will have a chance to just relax, get plenty of undisturbed sleep, and be completely away from traffic jams and packed buses.
I am also determined to not feel guilty about doing absolutely nothing productive, which is harder than you think. I like efficiency and productivity, so being on vacation is a guilty pleasure. I am also determined to not feel guilty about splurging a little, which is EVEN HARDER.
I have been to Belize before, but I did not do everything I wanted to do. We might see Bonaire too, and that will be a brand new experience, and being the diving capital in the Caribbeans, it will not be disappointing. In addition, because of its dry, arid climate, I am guaranteed to see sunny, clear days during the Caribbean's rainy season.
I do about 2 major vacations a year, and when it comes to travelling, my dual-personality comes out. I am cheap on transportation cost and splurge on entertaining activities. I will provide a detailed summary below of the planned activites and the costs.
Getting to Belize (Latin America)
Situated in Vancouver, British Columbia, we are cursed geographically when it comes to budget vacation choices in tropical places. Hawaii and Cancun are by far the most inexpensive places, especially in the summer months. Anything past Cancun costs a fortune. This time around, I am going to splurge on airfare by travelling directly from Vancouver to Belize city. This will cost $910.00 CDN per passager. Last year, I did it for under $400.00 CDN, but it also took us three days to get there.
The most inexpensive way to get to Latin America is actually by bus. Last year, we drove to Los Angeles, flew to Cancun, took the "luxury" bus from Cancun to Belize City. The bus took more than 8 hours, and we had to transfer at Chetumal. This costs $400.00 CDN per person, so I saved a grand total of $1020.00 on airfare alone.
Accommodation and Activities
My fiance and I both enjoy camping, and have a great water-resistant, light weight tent that weighs all of 2.3 pounds. We paid $320 for it some years ago, so that was our accommodation. Belize still has some beautiful and safe campgrounds for budget travellers. We have selected two places this year: Ian Anderson's Cave Branch Jungle Lodge, and Glover Reef Atoll Resort.
Ian Anderson is a fellow Vancouverite who is the pioneer of adventure tourism in Belize. He introduced such activies as cave tubing to Belize. On his 58,000 acre estate in Belize, there are cabanas, jungle suites, campgrounds, Mayan ruins, waterfalls, rivers etc. Basically, as you can imagine, a lot of things can be found on 58,000 acres. The lodge is famous for offering jungle adventures such as cave tubing, river kayaking, jungle treks, and trips to Mayan ruins. We plan to stay there for 3 nights, camping of course, and want to participate in cave tubing, jungle expeditions, and the snorkeling trip.
Camping (3 nights): $5/night/person
River Cave Tubing: $95.00/person
Jungle Tours and Treks: $75.00/person
Snorkeling Day Trip: $75.00/person
Total: $520.00 U.S
The Glover's Reef Atoll Resort is probably the last of its kind left. Years ago, you could camp on deserted islands, but as real estate booms, more and more of the islands are private now (sold to wealthy foreigners). Glover's Reef Atoll is a World Heritage site and a Marine Reserve. It has some of the best snorkeling and diving locations. When they say "resort", it is far from it. It is truly a castaway island with sparse accommodation, supplies, and equipment. What you will get is complete seclusion from civilization (no running water, no electricity). You will find hermit crabs to keep you company, iguanas, millions of stars at night, and the sound of the tropical wind to fall asleep to. At any time, there is no more than a handful of people on the atoll, making it a truly rustic environment.
We choose this "resort" because of these factors:
- Inexpensive camping option ($99.00 per person per week!)
- Kayak rental (A sit-on-top double. $150.00 for the entire week!)
- Diving opportunities (there is no where better than the atolls due to the abundance of marine life).
- Total privacy
- Self-guided activities (essentially, we can snorkel all day without any limitations)
We plan to stay on the island for a week to take advantage of the weekly rate and the free 90 mile boat ride which normally costs $400.00.
Camping: $99.00 per person per week.
Kayak Rental: $150.00 per week.
Meals: $150.00 per week (budgeted)
Diving: 12 boat dives for $477 per person
Total: $1452.00
Extra Costs
We plan to bring roughly $2000 CDN above the cost of airfare, accommodation, and activites. Why? For emergencies, extra activites if we are bored, and some small souvenirs, better meals if we are picky.
Total Costs
Transportation: $910.00 (air)+$910.00 (air)+$100.00(buses,taxis) = $1920.00 CDN
Accommodation/Activities: $520.00 (Cave Branch Jungle Lodge) + $1452.00 (Glover's Reef) = $1972.00 U.S = $2302.00 CDN
Extra Money = $2000.00 CDN
Grand Total = $6222.00 CDN
Okay, in reality, we will probably not need any extra money ($2000), so the real cost of the trip is $4222.00. And, if you are not a diver, it will shave off another $1114.00 CND for both people. Then, the total will come to $3108.00 CND. THEN, if you are American, your total will be $2662.00 U.S.
$2662.00 U.S will get you two weeks in paradise, at two totally different locations, 3 great jungle activities, a week of snorkeling to all your heart's content, meals, accommodation, etc. On top of that, let's say you are located in some place like Texas or Florida; this means your airfare is practically nothing, and you can realistically do this trip for under $2000.00 U.S or even less.
For me, I am looking at approximately $4,000 for two people. Last year, I spent just under $2,000 because I really cut corners in terms of transportation, meals, and activities. I only did 2 boat dives, ate at local diners, camped everywhere, and only did the least inexpensive activites. This time around, I want to splurge!
And BOOHOOO to Blogger for not allowing me post any pictures!