What is this blue object in front of my computer monitor? A bird, an airplane? No, it's total junk!
I splurged a little on junk today. I saw it at the cashier counter after eating at ABC family restaurant with a few friends. It was love at first sight... the blue feather, the dangling satin, and the cute little rhinestones on the smooth satin strips....ah.....
What is its purpose? Writing, of course.....(yes, it is a pen), but there is a secondary purpose. Its fluffy blue feathers feel great against my face. I feel instantly happy!
I like things that make me happy, the cuter the better! Perhaps you think I am insane, but you have to look at this from a different angle...

It is so PRETTY! It cost me $5.00 to buy this happiness, because I am easily amused by stationery. Maybe you think it's tacky, a waste of money, or just plain ugly. Well, think what you want, but I am in love with my new pen.
There is nothing wrong with buying things that give you happiness, as long as it is not breaking the piggy bank. With the new found happines I acquired through this pen, I felt extremely productive today. I worked on a few websites, cleaned the house, and made myself baked yam. It was delicious, just like the pen....deliciously cute. You can even call it an investment!
By the way, yes, I am 26 years old, not 6, and yes I still like fluffy things with shiny parts.