Monday, April 17, 2006

Poor Nick Lachey

Poor Nick Lachey....

On the Newlywed reality show, the guy was clearly in the shadow of Jessica Simpson. While her career was taking off, mostly because of the show, his was going nowhere.

While watching the old shows, I always wondered why they did not divorce sooner. They have nothing in common, Jessica Simpson can't carry on a decent conversation if her life depended on it. Nick Lachey was the puppy dog who followed her around. It was painful the watch. The whole "chicken of the sea" comment was just down right stupid.

In fact, I suspected that....

- They did not sleep in the same bedroom
- Nick Lachey hates Jessica Simpson's guts, but she was his sugar-mama
- Jessica Simpson was cheating on him with numerous men
- Jessica Simpson does not know how to spell her own name
- Nick Lachey was cheating on Jessica Simpson with her sister


Now, after the split of these two celebrities, Nick is still mouching off her trying to get spousal support.....HA!