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It has been a pretty religious week!
By far, Easter is the most holy time for Christians, and this week has been hectic. There were church services nightly, and I could not make it to all of them....or any of them.
Tomorrow, I will go to Church as a part of my weekly visit, and that is all the time for spiritual nourishment.
Since I am a new Orthodox Christian, I was not aware that the Greek Orthodox Easter actually lands on different dates from Western Easter. Once in a while, the dates coincide. For example, we will be going to Easter mass next weekend instead of this week.
For someone like me, who is often unsure about dates, time, and can't recall people's names, the Orthodox Christian religion is perhaps not a good choice. There are many fasting dates, and I can never keep track of when to fast and when to stop. For now, I follow what others do and have to double check on many occasions. Does anyone know where I can buy an Orthodox calendar where it shows all the religious holidays and fasting dates??
Last night, I visited a friend who was 'born' into the Greek Orthodox religion. She has just finished reading The Da Vinci Code. Since then, she has many questions that are unanswered. Apparently, the book shook the foundation of many religons and the religious by getting them to question some of their fundamental believes. Before I go any further, I should read the book by Dan Brown.
Tomorrow at Church, I will be extra tired because I am coming off a graveyard shift....oh, the things I do for God's approval :)