Monday, April 17, 2006

First Day in Church

Last Sunday, I met Father L at my new church. It was my very first time at an Orthodox Christian church, and as a beginner, I had a lot to learn.

First, I was scared as to what I am supposed to do when I enter the church. Other people seemed so comfortable in their surroundings and were kissing icons, doing crosses, and there seemed to be a way to actually enter the church. I was not aware of this, and did not even know that I was supposed to light a candle.

After that, the room was split into two sections, with the middle section clear. Everyone stood. That was one thing I thought was different. We don't sit in church, we stand. The elderly and the children sit, but most of the adults were standing...throughout the whole service. My feet were killing me, but I lasted okay. I was not offered communion because I am not baptised, but I was able to get some bread. There was harmonized singing throughout the entire service. Everything was sang! It was so angelic!

I liked my first experience and just wished that I could have known more about it before I went. But, I guess that's what learning is all about. One last thing, everything is scented in church, and after I left, I could still smell the sweet scent until the next day!