Ebay Observation #1
A very high percentage of all luxury handbags and accessaries listed on Ebay is fake. Think about this, how do people get their hands on the most current season's Balenciaga handbag, especially when there is always a waiting list of a few years.
I have searched for years for a genuine supply of luxury handbags sold at a discount. Only a few suppliers were found.
The first one is Bag Borrow Steal, which was featured on the Oprah website. You can rent the luxury brands such as Andrea Brueckner, Kooba, Hermes, Balenciaga, Gucci, Fendi, Chanel, etc. You can also join their email distribution list and purchase used rental handbags. Believe, the prices are still steep. The other web site is no longer available. But, I did know of this lady in New York who bought shelf-pulls and last season's designer accessaries. Then, she sells them to you in bulk. I suppose she discontinued the website because she really doesn't need it. She has enough clientales in New York.
The other day, I saw tons of Thomas Wylde grey skull handbag for bids on Ebay. The sellers all claim they are real, but that's unlikely considering that the Thomas Wylde handbag is elusive to the general public.
Also, I found some direct agents of Francis Tse the other day. After some email communications, they sent me their distribution list of luxury designer handbags and the price list. For those of you who don't know Francis Tse, the manufacturer has the most sought after mirror image designer handbags and accessaries. The rumor is that the mirror image product is indistinguishable from the real thing. I also see a lot of Francis Tse products on Ebay. It's truly buyer be aware. Use your common sense and spend a bit more money to buy the real thing instead of taking your chances on Ebay.
Ebay Observation #2
From a seller's point of view, and I have sold on Ebay numerous times, it is essential to find a wholesale supplier in China. Everything is manufactured in China for a cheaper price, and I mean everything. When the Play Station 3 frenzie took the pre-Christmas sale by storm, Chinese suppliers already made fake PS3s. They look exactly like the real thing, but of a poorer quality. I have also seen fake PS3s on Ebay being sold just like Sony's real Play Station.
My mother will be leaving for China next Tuesday to have dinner with some local politicians in what used to be the capital of Manchuria. I asked her to also take a tour of some local factories to see what I can possibly import to North American. Ideally, I am looking for dropshipping opportunities, meaning I never receive the inventory, but the factories ship it to my customers on their end. There are websites that list Chinese manufacturers, but I can't just communicate with them through emails. I will either make the deal face-to-face or do business with factory owners my family knows.